Introducing the CEM40 & CEM40EC next-generation, center-balance equatorial mounts. The CNC body looks sharp however its beauty is more than skin deep. The head weighs in at only 15.8 lbs. yet can support a payload of up to 40 lbs. An integrated electronic polar scope (iPolar) ensures accurate alignment even when the pole star is obscured. Large levers on its quick-lock drive engagement system make it easy to snap its gears into place even when wearing gloves. There's little chance of your cables getting snagged with the CEM40's internal cable management system. The CEM40 incorporates IOptron's dual Vixen/Losmandy Saddle. Both The CEM40 and CEM40EC utilize our ultra-quiet low power consumption stepper motor drive systems. The CEM40s are precise trackers, the EC version delivers <0.25 arcsecond accuracy with its high-resolution encoder. Other features such as onboard GPS, 359,000 object library with star identification make these portable and capable mounts sure winners.